% number to check x = 8; % this finds the index of he rows(2) that have x in between idx = find(x > Interval(:,1) & x < Interval(:,2)); % number of intervals with positive check numIdx = sum(x > Interval(:,1) & x < Interval(:,2)) ...
function isPrime = checkPrime(number) if number <= 1 isPrime = false; else isPrime = true; for i = 2:sqrt(number) if mod(number, i) == 0 isPrime = false; break; end end end end 脚本文件示例:生成并绘制随机数据的散点图。 x = rand(1, 100); y = rand(1, 100); scatter(x, ...
·How do I get this number? 示例答案: C = A{1,1}(1,1)或C = A{1,1}(1) 7)Cell Array Functions cell Creat cell array(创建单元格数组) cell2mat Convert cell array to numeric array(将单元格数组转换为数值数组) cell2struct Convert cell array to structure array(将单元格数组转换为结构数...
Problem 838. Check if number exists in vector Created by:Nichlas Tagsvectors,basic matlab 2 Solutions 32 Size Problem 19. Swap the first and last columns Created by:Cody Team Tagsmath,matlab 101,permutations 2 Solutions 48 Size Problem 262. Swap the input arguments ...
立信submittedSolution 12961992toProblem 838. Check if number exists in vector on 25 Dec 2023 立信submittedSolution 12961987toProblem 19. Swap the first and last columns on 25 Dec 2023 立信submittedSolution 12961962toProblem 262. Swap the input arguments ...
% number for both ub and lb if Boundary_no==1 X=rand(nP,dim).*(ub-lb)+lb; end % If each variable has a different lb and ub if Boundary_no>1 for i=1:dim ub_i=ub(i); lb_i=lb(i); X(:,i)=rand(nP,1).*(ub_i-lb_i)+lb_i; ...
if check_code==str2num(bar_number(13)) disp('条形码为:'); for i=1:length(bar_number) final{i} = bar_number(i); end end final end 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
% - N is the number of points where BOTH Cr and Cf are defined % % - NaN are handled in the following way: because this function % aims to compair 2 series, statistics are computed with indices % where both Cr and Cf are defined. ...
number = number+1; indx = indx + 1; ifnumber == Num_sym + 1 number = 1; indx = indx-2; %计算模 y = func_abs(Rec,Num_sym); %MSD检测 MSD_results = func_MSD_Check(y,Table,Num_sym,Ro,Co); %检测误码率 forhh=1:Num_sym-2 ...
end%Sanity checkif(~ischar(action) || (~strcmpi(action,'add') &&...~strcmpi(action,'delete') && ~strcmpi(action,'deleteadd'))) error('The action to perform must be''add'',''delete''or''deleteadd''!') endif(~isempty(userExtList) && ~min(cellfun(@ischar, userExtList))) ...