export_fig('not_change_axis_change_yticklabel.jpg','-r600') %--02--- 改变双坐标轴刻度的颜色,即不于线条颜色一致 close all figure set(gcf,'Position',[50 50 900 600],'Color','w') yyaxis left h1=plot(data_x,data_y1,'-o','LineWidth',1.5,'Color',mycolors1,'MarkerSize',6,'Marke...
axis manual axis manual 命令冻结当前坐标轴的限制,使之在后续绘图中不会根据新数据自动调整。这对于在已经设置好的坐标轴上添加额外的图形元素非常有用,因为它可以保持原有的视觉布局和比例不变。 plot(1:10); axis manual; % 锁定当前的轴限制 hold on; plot(10:-1:1, 'r-'); axis equal; 添加文本 ...
7. 紫色('-','color',[255 0 251]/255)紫色富有神秘感,可以用于强调高端或创新元素,如:plot([1 10],[7 7],'-','color',[255 0 251]/255,'linewidth',2);最后,记得调整轴范围以增强视觉效果:axis([1 10 -5 10]); 这样可以使数据更易于解读。通过巧妙运用这些颜色,你的MATLA...
2. 创建图窗与设置colorbar颜色:采用rgbmap指定颜色,详情可见先前文章链接。3. 数据排序:使用sortrows()函数,确保数据按照所需顺序排列。4. 绘制三维散点图:设定z_plot、s(散点大小)、c(散点颜色)参数,调整视角。5. 设置colorbar:先设定colormap,注意colorbar对应的是gca对象;利用caxis限...
打开caxis函数文档;caxis用法一:获取当前颜色限制范围 Get the current color limits. 结果为[0 50] 这是Z的最小值与最大值。caxis用法二:设置当前颜色限制范围Set the current color limits. 所有小于等于20的值填色为当前colormap中对应最低值的颜色-蓝色 ...
cb = colorbar; cb.Layout.Tile = 'east'; caxis(temp1); 现在看起来是不是正常多了,无论是色块的值的对应还是两张图的相对颜色都没有问题。但仔细看依旧有个小问题,caxis是获取当前颜色图的范围,而我们画的第一个图范围比较小,最大值是9,所以标签只直到了9,下图中大于9的值和9的颜色是一样的。
Change the y-axis color to black. Then set the color order to black. Get % Right side yyaxis right plot([4 3; 2 1]) ax.YColor = 'black'; colororder('black') Exclude Data Series from Color Order Copy Code Copy Command When you call a plotting function with a color argument, ...
How to change the default x-axis unit in a Bode diagram to Hertz? marcel hendrixinMATLAB Answerson 22 September 2018 Rad/s is nice for mechanical people, but I'm an EE, and I much prefer Hertz. It should be something simple, but I can't find it in the help. ...
(mainAxes,'LineWidth'); figureColor = get(mainFigure,'Color'); mainXTickLabelMode = get(mainAxes,'XTickLabelMode'); mainYLabel = get(mainAxes,'YLabel'); mainYDir = get(mainAxes,'YDir'); mainLayer = get(mainAxes,'Layer'); %Save Main Axis Z Order figureChildren = get(mainFigure,...
(colorbar)to add a 'frozen' colorbar to an axis. It will appear to unfreeze when you change colormaps, but the next call to freezeColors will restore its frozen appearance. It will not be frozen to the caxis, so be aware of that. It's a workaround, but just remember to call...