算法一: 通过读写文件, 主要思路是将cell类型矩阵转换为str类型矩阵. 使用writecell函数将矩阵写入名为ing.txt的文本文件, 指定分隔符为“|”. 然后, 通过readlines函数读取文件内容到一个string变量a. 使用split函数将a中的每一行字符串按照“|”分割, 结果保存为str矩阵变量. 最后, 删除生成的ing.t...
ImageTime = ImageName(2:end,2); CamTime = CamName(2:end,2); a = cell2mat(ImageTime); a2 = a(:,2:end); ImageTime = cellstr(a2); b =cell2mat(CamTime); b2 = b(:,2:end); CamTime = cellstr(b2); === cell2mat(ids(1)) 能够将 转换为...
Matlab中cell类型转换为string类型 在matlab中调用strcat()函数获得的是一个cell类型的变量,而不是string类型。这是如果我们直接把这个cell类型的变量,传递到其他函数中作为string类型使用,就是出现问题,下面是一个例子: names={'fyc','hy','ljg','lqf','lsl','ml','nhz','rj','syj','wl','wq','wyc...
isstr是判断string isnumeric是判断number number与string之间的转换 http://cn.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/str2num.html http://cn.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/str2num.html cellfun函数的应用 http://nf.nci.org.au/facilities/software/Matlab/techdoc/ref/cellfun.html...
you can do a "for" loop to get string value of each element of the last cell like that:
I have a cell (721*1), each cell composed by a different number of string, for example, the first cell is a (1*20) string. I want to convert this cell to string. when I use string function, it reported an error as "Conversion from cell failed. Element 1 must be convertible to...
Starting in R2016b, you can store text in string arrays. To convert a cell array to a string array, use the “string” function. A = {'line'} B = string(A) For more information, please refer to the MathWorks documentation on Cell Arrays of Character Vectors and Text in String and ...
How do I convert a cell into a string? Or, how do I assign a file name to a variable, but keep it a string? I have tried this, but it changed all the dots (.) into '0x2E' and still put it into a cell in the Workspace: ThemeCopy varname = genvarname(str)...