在转换过程中,如果cell数组中的数据格式不一致或包含无法转换的元素,你需要处理这些错误或异常值。一种常见的方法是使用try-catch语句来捕获错误,并给出相应的处理。 matlab try D = cell2mat(C); catch ME disp('Error converting cell array to double array:'); disp(ME.message); % 在这里可以添加额外的...
% 创建一个cell数组 cellArray = {1, 2, '3', 4, 5}; % 创建一个空的double数组 doubleArray = []; % 遍历cell数组 for i = 1:numel(cellArray) % 检查元素的数据类型是否可以转换为double if isnumeric(cellArray{i}) % 将元素转换为double并将其添加到double数组 doubleArray = [doubleArray, ...
在这个例子中,C是包含字符串元素的Cell数组,通过cellfun函数结合str2double函数,我们能够将字符串转化为Double类型。 三、CELL TO DOUBLE USING MANUAL CONVERSION 在某些情况下,如果Cell数组的结构比较复杂或者并非纯数值型元素构成,我们可能需要手动遍历Cell数组,显式地进行数据类型的转换。 % 假设C是一个Cell数组,里面...
在MATLAB中,您可以使用cell2mat()函数将cell数组转化为double数组。 以下是一个例子: % 创建一个包含不同数据类型的cell数组 C = {1, 'hello', [2,3,4], 'world'}; %将cell数组转化为double数组 D = cell2mat(C); 复制代码 在上述例子中,cell2mat()函数将cell数组C转化为double数组D。最终的结果是一个...
The problem is in my cell array some elements are 'NaN' and also some other elements have different length.So when I'm using this command to convert: G8_D=str2num(cell2mat(G8)); C1_D=str2num(cell2mat(C1)); I get this error: ...
在 Matlab 中,可以使用cell2mat函数将cell类型转化为double类型。假设C是一个cell类型的变量,那么可以...
How to convert cell to double array? - MATLAB Answers - MATLAB Central (mathworks.com) There are couple of ways to convert “double arrays” to “NumPy array”, One method is to use the “NumPy's” built-in method, “asarray”: Start by loading your MATLAB “Double array”: ...
> 0.071 sec To my surprise a full implementation in C is *slower* than |sscanf(sprintf())|, see . Matlab's sscanf seems to be much better than the MSVC implementation.https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/408675-how-to-convert-a-csv-file-of-cell-array-type-to-double ...
logicalArray = [true, false, true, false]; % 将逻辑数组转换为单元格数组 cellArray = num2cell(logicalArray); 1、cell2mat:将cell转换为mat的char型 2、str2num:将mat从char转换为double型 3、cellstr:将char转cell 4、str2double:char转double ...
Do you have a(21x1)cell array of images? What are the sizes of the images, are they all the same size, and what exactly do you want to do with them? If they’re all the same size and you want to convert the entire array of them to double, you can do something like this: ...