然后调用函数输出至csv文件即可 cell2csv('CS-PM25.csv',var_station,',') function cell2csv(filename,cellArray,delimiter) % Writes cell array content into a *.csv file. % % CELL2CSV(filename,cellArray,delimiter) % % filename = Name of the file to save. [ i.e. 'text.csv' ] % ...
function cell2csv(filename,cellArray,delimiter) % Writes cell array content into a *.csv file. % % CELL2CSV(filename,cellArray,delimiter) % % filename = Name of the file to save. [ i.e. 'text.csv 39; ] % cellarray = Name of the Cell Array where the data is in % delimit...
将MATLAB计算出的数据进行导出和存储,也是在MATLAB编程中经常用到的功能之一,在MATLAB中有几个常用的方法,比如writetable、xlswrite、writematrix、writecell等,综合来看writetable功能比较全面,所以这里准备采用writetable方法进行实现。 一、常规做法 这里举一个比较典型的例子,也是MATLAB官方的一个案例的改造 如上述的一个...
This function writes a cell array into a CSV-file. It works with empty cells, numeric cells, char cells, and string cells. One array can contain all of them. CSV-files can then be read by Excel, so you don't need DDE or ActiveX. Written by Sylvain Fiedler. I just fixed the ...
用fopen 选项是'at+'比如 flag1为一个多行3列的cell型数据 str0=cell(1,3);for i=1:3 str0{i}=flag1(:,i);end s2='';for i=1:3 s2=strcat(s2,str0{i},',');end fid2 = fopen ('d:/flag.csv', 'at');for k=1:size(s2,1)fprintf(fid2,'%s\n',s2{k});end fc...
One array can contain all of them, but only one value per cell. CSV-files can then be read by Excel, so you don't need DDE or ActiveX. Cite As Sylvain Fiedler (2024). Cell Array to CSV-file [cell2csv.m] (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/4400-cell-array-to...
才能变成double列表和cell列表。 写入: 很简单,使用writetable函数即可。 TT = table(T{:,1},T{:,2}, 'VariableNames', {'Burger', 'Cat'}); writetable(TT,"STATIONS_title_new",'delimiter','tab') 那如果你不需要表头呢? TT = table(T{:,1},T{:,2}, 'WriteVariableNames', false); ...
2. **写入矩阵或表格**:`writetable` 用于写入带列名的表格数据,而 `writematrix` 则适用于纯数值矩阵。3. **写入 cell 矩阵**:从 MATLAB R2019a 开始,提供 `writecell` 函数,但推荐直接保存为 .mat 文件以避免复杂转换。4. **续写文本文件**:使用 `writelines` 的 'Append' 参数,...