编写MATLAB函数: 我们可以编写一个MATLAB函数,该函数接收信号和噪声作为输入,并返回计算得到的信噪比。 以下是一个示例MATLAB函数,用于计算信噪比: matlab function snr = calculateSNR(signal, noise) % 确保输入为向量或矩阵 if ~isvector(signal) && ~ismatrix(signal) error('信号必须是向量或矩阵')...
snr,sndr,thd,enob,sfdr的matlab计算程序 以下是一些基本的MATLAB函数,用于计算给定信号的SNR(信噪比)、SDR(信号失真比)、THD(总谐波失真)、ENOB(有效位数)和SFDR(无寄生调频比)。 matlab %输入:原始信号x,噪声信号n %输出:SNR,SDR,THD,ENOB,SFDR function[snr, sdr, thd, enob, sfdr]=calculate_metrics(x,...
I want to simulate SFDR,SNR,THD and SINAD Parameter for Precision and High-Speed Series ADC TI with Matlab. I Need matlab code to calculate its. I appreciate any helps ;) Hello Sina Kamar! Calculating SNR, THD, SFDR, and SINAD from an FFT is relatively s...
Calculate the SNR for an oversampled QPSK signal.EbNo = 20;snr = EbNo + 10*log10(k) - 10...
Calculate SNR pixel-by-pixel关注 1 次查看(过去 30 天) Med_Imager 2012-3-9 投票 0 链接 翻译 在MATLAB Online 中打开 I am trying to figure out the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) in an image matrix (64x64x16). (called Image_Matrix_3D in the code) The SNR = mean signal / stdev ...
noiseSNR=0:10; %set SNR in dBsnr_lin=10.^(SNR/10); %calculate linear snr from dB SNR.y=zeros(length(SNR),n);%multiplysqrtof snr to signalandadd noise:fori=1:length(SNR)y(i,:)=real(sqrt(snr_lin(i))*signal+noise);end%recieverandBER counterr=zeros(length(SNR),n); Err=...
mean(abs(noise.^2)) %test the power of the noise SNR=0:10; %set SNR in dB snr_lin=10.^(SNR/10); %calculate linear snr from dB SNR. y=zeros(length(SNR),n); %multiply sqrt of snr to signal and add noise: for i=1:length(SNR) y(i,:)=real(sqrt(snr_lin(i))*signal+nois...
답변: Image Analyst 2014년 1월 23일 i am using matlab 2013 and i want to calculate the psnr,snr,mean square error,mean absolute error of gray scale image.do we have any in built function for calculating these parameters? 댓글 수: 0 댓글을...
% Clear command window, workspace variables, and close all figuresclc;clearall;closeall;% Define Eb values in dBEbdB=-10:2:10;% Convert Eb values from dB to linear scaleEb=10.^(EbdB/10);% Define Noise PowerNo=1;% Calculate Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) in linear scale...
clc; clear; %% Simulation parameters N = 4; % Number of transmit antennas K = 4; % Number of users SNR = -10:5:30; % range of SNR (in dB) sigma_2 = 1; % noise power ch_realization = 100; % channel realizations P = 30; % total transmit power (30 dBm) %% Generate Channle...