Sometimes MATLAB users need to scale the y-axis as a log scale keeping the x-axis as a linear scale while plotting a function or an expression. This can be obtained easily by using thesemilogy()function. Thesemilogy()function allows us to create two-dimensional plots of a function or expr...
6 添加标签 就直接用text硬画,第i层的横坐标就是i,而宽度是SK.BlockScale,因此比较容易找到每层的X方向中点: FontCell={'FontSize',22,'FontName','Times New Roman','HorizontalAlignment','center','VerticalAlignment','bottom'};fori=2:SK.LN-1text(i+SK.BlockScale/2,min(min(SK.LayerPos(:,3:...
MATLAB basic plotting functions Plot:x轴和y轴均为线性刻度(Linear scale) Loglog:x轴和y轴均为对数刻度(Logarithmic scale) Semilogx:x轴为对数刻度,y轴为线性刻度 Semilogy:x轴为线性刻度,y轴为对数刻度 Plot: Both the x-axis and the y-axis are linear scales (Linear scale) Loglog: Both the x-axi...
stairs(Y) The number of rows in Y automatically determines and generates the x-axis scale. Plot Single Data Series at Specified x-Values Create a stairstep plot of a sine wave evaluated at equally spaced values between 0 and . Specify the set of x-values for the plot. X = linspace(0,...
Add an X-axis on top (additional to the one on bottom) of the figure, with its own ticks labels and axis label (allow double scale). Ticks, minor ticks positions and x limits are set to be identical for top and bottom axis. Moreover, they are linked, i.e. a modification of one...
zlabel('Grayscale'); title('所截取的单个红细胞轮廓边缘的三维示意图'); axis tight %边缘检测 BW = im2bw(img,0.4); IBW = ~BW; F1 = imfill(IBW,'holes'); SE = ones(3); F2 = imdilate(F1,SE,'same'); BW2 = bwperim(F2);
[cmin,cmax]=caxis返回映射到颜色映象中第一和最后输入项的最小和最大的数据。它们通常被设成数据的最小值和最大值。比如,函数mesh(peaks) 会画出函数peaks的网格图,并把颜色轴caxis设为[-6.5466,8.0752],即Z的最小值和最大值。这些值之间的数据点,使用从颜色映象中经插值得到的颜色。如: ...
functionSignatures.json is provided so that auto-completion is supported. Check demo script for basic usage. This function is integrated toEasyPlot(a MATLAB toolbox for making scientific figures). 인용 양식 Yue Huang (2025).Scale bar for X or/and Y axis(
axis([0 100 0 100]) inside = 1; % The number of steps needed to reach the edge of the grid total_steps = 0; whileinside == 1, total_steps = total_steps + 1; ifgridcolor(ant_x,ant_y) == 0,% if the square is white, then ...