for i = 1:length(elements_to_remove) removed_element = pop(A(A == elements_to_remove(i))) end 在这个例子中,我们先定义了一个elements_to_remove数组,其中包含要移除的元素的索引。然后,我们使用循环将pop函数应用到每一个元素上,并将移除的元素赋值给removed_element变量。 五、处理pop函数的返回值 ...
% 创建单元数组 cellArray = {1, 'text', [1, 2, 3]; 4, @sin, {5, 6, 7}}; % 访问元素 element1 = cellArray{1, 2}; element2 = cellArray{2, 3}; % 修改元素 cellArray{1, 1} = 10; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 4. 结构体 结构体用于存储不同类型的数据,类似于记录。
Create a 2-by-1-by-3 array and remove the singleton column dimension to form a 2-by-3 matrix. y = rand(2,1,3) z = squeeze(y) y(:,:,1) = 0.8147 0.9058 y(:,:,2) = 0.1270 0.9134 y(:,:,3) = 0.6324 0.0975 z = 0.8147 0.1270 0.6324 0.9058 0.9134 0.0975 1. 2. 3. 4. ...
Problem 152. Create a cell array out of a struct Created by:Daniel Tagsstruct cell 1 Solution 17 Size Problem 41. Cell joiner Created by:Cody Team Tagsstrings,matlab 1 Solution 14 Size Problem 1971. Remove element(s) from cell array ...
Problem 1971. Remove element(s) from cell array Created by:J-G van der Toorn Tagscell arrays,remove 4 Solutions 27 Size Problem 1899. Convert a Cell Array into an Array Created by:Ted Tagscell array 2 Solutions 13 Size Problem 967. Split a string into chunks of specified length ...
8)end:Terminate block of code,or indicate last array index(终止代码块,或指示最后一个数组索引) 9)pause:Halt execution temporarily(暂时停止执行) 10)return:Return control to invoking function(返回控件值到调用的函数) Flow Control(执行流控制) 4、Relational(Logical)Operators(关系/逻辑运算符) Relational...
array add value 1 answer 0 545 1 How can I remove NaN values from a matrix? Brandon WalkerinMATLAB Answerson 18 February 2015 My code so far is below. I have the code so that it skips the first 19 lines and starts at line 20. However, I need to remove the NaN values that are ...
Assuming that channelData is a 2-element cell array, that channelData{1} and channelData{2} are both column vectors, and you wan... 2 months ago | 0 |accepted Answered Problem Using Nested For Loops No loops required: X = [1 2 3 4 5; 6 7 8 9 10; 11 12 13 14 15; 16 17...
Iterating through the array v and checking each element individually means disregarding the "MAT" in MATLAB. Making use of the find() function, it is possible to have isnan() work on the whole vector before setting the desired indices to 0 in one go. Even better than that, doing away ...
19、dimensions from an arraysub2ind Convert from subscripts to linear indexsumfind the sum of array elementsPart III Matrix Indexing in MATLABPart III Matrix Indexing in MATLAB Indexing Vectorsv = 16 5 9 4 2 11 7 14;v(3) % Extract the third elementv(1 5 6) % Extract the first, fifth...