>> array = 1:2:9array = 1 3 5 7 9defines a variable named array (or assigns a new value to an existing variable with the name array) which is an array consisting of the values 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. That is, the array starts at 1, the init value, and each value increments ...
selected in the dialog box. The indexing starts at 1. If the user presses Cancel, it is set to 0. [FILENAME, PATHNAME, FILTERINDEX] = uigetfile(FILTERSPEC, TITLE, FILE) FILE is a string containing the name to use as the default selection. [FILENAME, PATHNAME] = uigetfile(..., '...
In this code, you first assign the upper left element in arr_2, at index (0, 0) to have a value of 10. Then you print arr_2 to verify that the appropriate value has changed. Finally, you print arr_1 and see that the value in the middle of the array has changed from 5 to 10...
MATLAB has many string array functions that return logical arrays, such ascontains,startsWith, andmatches. You can use these to operate on text using logical indexing. For example, you could extract all the space program names containing “Skylab.” >> names names = 6×1 string array "Mercur...
MATLAB sees that you're trying to index into an array. Array indices must be real positive (nonzero) integers (or logicals). So:would
MATLAB uses one-based indexing, where the first pixel along any dimension has index1, whereas many other platforms are zero-based and consider the first index to be 0. By convention, counting of pixel indices starts from the top-left corner of an image with the first and second indices inc...
matlab array index from (1..n), but fft index from (0..n-1)numpt=Nfft;numpt_band=Nfft/2/osr;switchwintypecase'rect'nsig=1;win=rectwin(Nfft);case'hann'nsig=2;% infact 2 is okwin=hann(Nfft);case'blackman'nsig=4;% infact 4 is okwin=nuttallwin(Nfft);case'kaiser'nsig=7;% in...
for i = 1:n x = x + i; cgret = x; end freturn = cgret; Translate a procedure accepting an Array as a parameter. Note that the indices are renumbered so that the MATLAB® array starts at index 1. > f := proc(x::Array(numeric, 5..7)) ...
jan and walter take a look at this code this is giving me correct answers except for negative elements array ThemeCopy function [summa, index]=max_sum(b,n) y=length(b) q=movsum(b,n) [maxsum,maxidx]=max(q) summa=maxsum index=(maxidx-floor...
startIndex = cData(2,1)+2; zData = iZ.*ones(1,cData(2,1)); plot3(hAxes,cData(1,2:(startIndex-1)),... cData(2,2:(startIndex-1)),zData,'k'); end zData = iZ.*ones(1,cData(2,startIndex)); plot3(hAxes,cData(1,(startIndex+1):end),... ...