Antenna Toolbox™ 为天线元件和阵列的设计、分析和可视化提供功能和应用程序。可以使用具有参数化几何图形、任意平面结构或STL文件描述的自定义三维结构的预定义元素设计独立天线并构建天线阵列。Antenna Toolbox使用电磁解算器,包括矩量法(MoM),计算阻抗、电流分布、效率以及近场和远场辐射方向图。要改进天线设计,可以...
Antenna Toolbox 无限阵列分析和 E-H 域的可视化。 LTE System Toolbox Release 12 Small cells下行 256 QAM 调制、Release 11 多区零功率 CSI-RS 模式和增强波形生成。 Simulink Design Verifier C 代码 S function 分析和 Model Advisor 运行时错误检查。 Simulink Test 使用Simulink Design Verifier™生成的输...
The conformalArray object creates a conformal antenna array of the specified antenna or array catalog elements.
(QPSO) findings are utilised for antenna design modellingand performance assessment utilising the MATLAB-based moment's codeapproach and MATLAB-HFSS interface. The mutual coupling betweenantenna components is considered and computed using the method ofmoments (MoM). Changing the array elements' length ...
(QPSO) findings are utilised for antenna design modellingand performance assessment utilising the MATLAB-based moment's codeapproach and MATLAB-HFSS interface. The mutual coupling betweenantenna components is considered and computed using the method ofmoments (MoM). Changing the array elements'...
You can use PID Tuner with a plant represented by a numeric LTI model such as a transfer function (tf) or state-space (ss) model. If you have Simulink® Control Design™ software, you can use PID Tuner to tune a PID Controller or PID Controller (2DOF) block in a Simulink model....
For example, d = dipole(Length=4) creates a strip dipole antenna with a length of 4 m. and default values for other properties. example You can also create a regular dipole antenna resonating at a desired frequency using the design function. For example, to create a regular dipole antenna...
Antenna Toolbox Phased Array System Toolbox LTE System Toolbox WLAN System Toolbox图像处理与计算机视觉 Image Processing Toolbox Computer Vision System Toolbox Vision HDL Toolbox Image Acquisition Toolbox Mapping Toolbox测试&测量 Data Acquisition Toolbox Instrument Control Toolbox Image Acquisition Toolbo...
function [h start_time] = calc_h (Thpoints)% Check the point array [mn]=size(points); if(n ~= 3) error (‘Points array must have three columns‘); end% Call the C-part of the program to show aperture [h start_time] = Mat_field (4001Thpoints); 属性 大小 日期 时间 名称---...