[imData, map] = rgb2ind(im, 256); % Write data if i==1 %First frame (create GIF file) imwrite(imData,map,fileName,'gif',... 'LoopCount',inf,... 'WriteMode','overwrite',... 'DelayTime',frameDelay); else %Append data to file(imData,map,fileName,'gif',... 'WriteMode','...
Open or create new file for reading and writing. Append data to the end of the file. 'A' Open file for appending without automatic flushing of the current output buffer. 'W' Open file for writing without automatic flushing of the current output buffer. 2、用fprintf写入数据 3、用fclose来关...
比如说一个为tt.text的文件,想既可读又可写,a=fopen('tt.text','rt');参数如下:'r'Open file for reading (default).'w'Open or create new file for writing. Discard existing contents, if any.'a'Open or create new file for writing. Append data to the end of the file.'r...
9、ormatted data to file. COUNT = FPRINTF(FID,FORMAT,A,.) formats the data in the real part of array A (and in any additional array arguments), under control of the specified FORMAT string, and writes it to the file associated with FID. COUNT is the number of bytes successfully writt...
● importdata('filename','delimiter'),将filename中的数据导入到工作区中,以delimiter指定的符号作为分隔符; 例13-2 从文件中导入数据。 >> imported_data = importdata('matlab.mat') imported_data = ans: [1.1813 1.0928 1.6534] A: [2x3 double] ...
● A = importdata('filename'),将filename中的数据导入到工作区中,并保存为变量A; ● importdata('filename','delimiter'),将filename中的数据导入到工作区中,以delimiter指定的符号作为分隔符; 例13-2 从文件中导入数据。 >> imported_data = importdata('matlab.mat') ...
•FOPEN打开文件•FILENAME可以是一个相对路径,如果文件 不在当前目录,系统将会在其他路径进行搜索。•FID=FOPEN(FILENAME,PERMISSION)FID称为文件标识符,如果错误,返回-1 MATLAB的文件操作 •••••• •• 'r''w''a''r+''w+'readwrite(createifnecessary)append(createifnecessary)...
zTmp = dlmread(filename,'\n'); if length(zTmp) ~= dataLength % check length matches error('Frames have different sizes.') break; end z = [z zTmp]; % append new data to z else break; end end % reshape z to appropriate dimensions ...
7、将 filename 中的数据导入到工作区中,并保存为变量A; importdata(filename,delimiter) ,将 filename 中 的数据导入到工作区中, 以 delimiter 指定的符号作为分隔 符;例 13-2 从文件中导入数据。 imported_data = importdata(matlab.mat) imported_data =ans: 1.1813 1.0928 1.6534A: 2x3 doubleI_q: 415...