[file,path]=uigetfile('*.xlsx'); % 选择.xlsx文件 app.InputData=readtable(fullfile(path,file)); % 读取文件 app.UITable.ColumnName=app.InputData.Properties.VariableNames; % 设置UITable组件列标题 app.UITable.Data=app.InputData.Variables; % 赋值UITable数据 app.DropDown.Items=app.InputData.Pr...
% uit =uitable(uif, 'data',app.tabValues) % uit.RowName = 'numbered' %this is working! %... drawnow; end Adam Danz on 12 Jun 2021 When I try that in app designer (r2021a) I don't have any problems. Have you tried setting RowName to nu...
app.UITable.Data = T; app.UITable.ColumnName = T.Properties.VariableNames; end % Value changed function: CheckBox_2 function CheckBox_2ValueChanged(app, event) value = app.CheckBox_2.Value; T = readtable(app.A); %T = readtable("Test_Matlab.csv"); YData = table2array(T(:,"C1"...
HospitalNameDropDownLabelmatlab.ui.control.Label HospitalNameDropDownmatlab.ui.control.DropDown DataSelectionLabelmatlab.ui.control.Label RightPanelmatlab.ui.container.Panel TabGroupmatlab.ui.container.TabGroup PlotTabmatlab.ui.container.Tab UIAxesmatlab.ui.control.UIAxes BinWidthSliderLabelmatlab.ui.contro...
uit = uitable(f, 'Data', table2cell(t)); uit.ColumnName={t.Properties.VariableNames{:}}; uit.RowName=[]; %removing default row numbering as in your uitable saveas(f, 'figname.png'); As explained in the answer on StackOverflow, f = figure with uitable requires a cell array, no...
uitable创建表格 uitextarea创建文本域 uitogglebutton创建状态开关按钮 uitree创建标准树和复选框树 ui...
UITable Row Names appdesigner 1 답변 Column Format in UI Table 3 답변 How to make WLAN Coverage Heatmap? 0 답변 전체 웹사이트 writelatextable - writes a 2D array to a LaTeX table File Exchange MergeTables File Exchange rename_files_by_age File Exchange ...
⟨本章關於 MATLAB 的指令與語法⟩ 指令:delete, questdlg, readtable, startupFcn, uigetfile 1 1 環境介紹 圖 1 指示了 AppDesigner 從何開始.1 圖 1: 開啟 AppDesigner 1.1 控制元件的佈局 Canvas Layout AppDesigner 的控制元件比 GUIDE 豐富,美觀,圖 2 嘗試製作與書本相同的範 例,功能一樣但佈局...
uitable Function: Sort table UI components interactively when using logical, numeric, string, or cell arrays You can interactively sort table UI components when the Data property contains logical data, numeric data, string data, or cell array data. To sort ...