app.InputData=readtable(fullfile(path,file)); % 读取文件 app.UITable.ColumnName=app.InputData.Properties.VariableNames; % 设置UITable组件列标题 app.UITable.Data=app.InputData.Variables; % 赋值UITable数据 app.DropDown.Items=app.InputData.Properties.VariableNames; % 设置DropDown组件下拉选项 app.Li...
Hey, I would like to load a .mat file to workspace using buttonpushed callback function: When I pushed the button uigetfile function will run and I will choose the mat file that I want to load it to base workspace. [file,path] = uigetfile('*.m','Choose File'); ...
share/load data (mat-file) AppDesigner. Learn more about appdesigner, share data, share mat-file
functionpreset(dir)save("mydata.mat");end myfun如下 functionmyfun(app)load("mydata.mat");load(fullfile(datapath,'testdata.txt'));plot(app.UIAxes,testdata,testdata);save("mydata.mat");end 这个数据的路径DATA在不同的用户,不同的运行,是不一样的。在打包后的代码,读取的用户指定的数据文件。...
I am loading data from a .mat file in App Designer. The user selects the .mat file and I would like to load a variable from the selected file, assigning it to an existing property in the app, like this: app.x = load([app.path'\'app.file],'inputVariable'); ...
hello community, I'm new in app designer and I'd like to ask your support to understand how to process some data. I got a .mat file that contains data (vectors) each vector has different name: I created a funtion to load above data to read values from EGSDCmn_mfEgCat1B1...
(2)添加初始化函数,通过导入保存的配置文件复现前一次状态,考虑到第一次打开APP不存在配置文件,使用try语法跳过错误; functionstartupFcn(app)path='./';tryload([path,'data.mat'],'A','w','phi');app.A0.Value=A;app.w0.Value=w;app.phi0.Value=phi;x=0:0.05:2*pi;y=A*sin(w*x+phi);plo...
2.1 Mat常用文件操作 2.1.2 Mat文件的读取 从Mat文件中加载数据到工作空间使用load函数,如表2-2所示。 表2-2 load函数调用格式 函数调用格式 load load filename load('filename','X','Y' ,'Z') load filename s* load('-mat','filename') load('ascii','filename') S=load(...) 函数格式说明...
1. 进入MATLAB官网,点击“Downloads”标签页 2. 点击“Get Free Trial”,安装向导将开始 3. 按照指示完成安装,安装完成后会显示MATLAB的界面 4. 点击菜单栏文件-新建,会弹出“MATLAB文件”选项,点击它 5. 您就可以输入Matlab代码,并且保存为Mat文件。6. 你也可以从外部文件中导入Mat文件。
matlab app designer使用心得 最近导师让我在simulink仿真的基础上整一个仿真软件,然后就发现现在matlab已经把之前的GUIDE升级成了app designer,一番摸索踩坑之后,总算整了出来,首先先放几张图。 文章目录 matlab app designer使用心得 前言 一、读取app的输入参数 ...