%%% in this case, theta =theta_m (angle of the velocity vector)- theta_c (angle of the tangent vector of the curve) % simulation parameters in cartesian coord %%%%% change according to % different roadparams.x_c0 = X(1)-params.y0; %initial x coordinate params.y_c0 = 0; %...
lication of Matlab Language15 2.2.2、创建一维数组变量 (续)一旦被创建,变量就被存储在工作空间 ,可以通过“Workspace”窗口或在“Command Window”执行“whos”命令察看。操作一: 使用“Workspac e”窗口察看变量操作二: 使用“whos”命令察看变量 Application of Matlab Language16 2.2 .3、创建二维数组变量第一...
vect1=[1ab1(1)];% create a vector based on the line equationvect2=[1ab2(1)];dp=dot(vect1,vect2);% compute vector lengthslength1=sqrt(sum(vect1.^2));length2=sqrt(sum(vect2.^2));% obtain the larger angle of intersection in degreesangle=180-acos(dp/(length1*length2))*...
function[CL, CD, CM, CL_k] = lift_drag_moment_calc(aoa_vector, pressure_coefficient, panel_lengths, delta, gamma, x_control, y_control, uniform_flow_velocity, aoa_index)for i = 1:size(aoa_vector,2)% Lift, Drag, and Moment CalculationsCN{i} = -pressure_coefficient{i}.*panel_length...
angle(z):复数z的相角(Phase angle) sqrt(x):开平方 real(z):复数z的实部 imag(z):复数z的虚部 conj(z):复数z的共轭复数 round(x):四舍五入至最近整数 fix(x):无论正负,舍去小数至最近整数 floor(x):地板函数,即舍去正小数至最近整数 ceil(x):天花板函...
变数也可用来存放向量或矩阵,并进行各种运算,如下例的列向量(Row vector)运算: x = [1 3 5 2]; y = 2*x+1 y = 3 7 11 5 小提示:变数命名的规则 1.第一个字母必须是英文字母 2.字母间不可留空格 3.最多只能有19个字母,MATLAB会忽略多馀字母 ...
Estimation of uncertainties...done Calibration results after optimization(with uncertainties): Focal Length: fc = [ 1146.29229 1147.83468 ] ?[ 11.51067 11.19871 ] Principal point: cc= [ 304.04991 233.16189 ] ?[8.23084 6.14044 ] Skew: alpha_c = [ 0.00000 ] ?[0.00000 ] => angle of pixel axes...
% DTheta: angle vector % DPaxos: vector of width of main wave % typeOfFilter : type of step filter in {0,1} : 1 step function, 0 Polynomial filter % Y: filter output function [Y]= step_pol_Filtering(I,grammes, DTheta,DPaxos,typeOfFilter) ...
angle 可以支持标量或任意维数矩阵输入 2. 对于向量输入,phase 会对输出结果做判断,如果相邻两个输出角度的差的绝对值超过 3.5,phase 会对其重新处理,确保相邻两个角度差值的绝对值永远不超过3.5。而angle 函数对每个数据独立求其辐角,不会因为相邻角度差超出某个数值而做特殊处理。所以,从这个意义上讲,angle 函数...
I understand that you want to plot two vectors in a 2D plane, given their magnitudes and angles with respect to the x-axis, and also determine the resultant vector.