案例一:重复绘图 fig=figure;x=linspace(0,2*pi,100);im=cell(1,20);fori=1:20y=sin(i*x/5);plot(x,y,'Color',all_colors(1,:),'LineWidth',2);xlim([0,2*pi]);pause(0.25);% 注释下面两句话可以看到动态输出frame=getframe(fig);im{i}=frame2im(frame);end% 下面是保存成 giffilename=...
all_colors为mat格式,可直接load load('all_colors.mat') plot([1,2],[10 10],'Color',all_colors(2))
(xFill, yFill, all_colors(1, :)); hold on plot(x, y1, 'k', 'LineWidth', 2) plot(x, y2, 'k', 'LineWidth', 2) hold off subplot(1, 2, 2) patch(xFill, yFill, all_colors(1, :)); hold on plot(x, y1, 'k', 'LineWidth', 2) plot(x, y2, 'k', 'LineWidth', 2)...
% Append a column to tempIndices to indicate data that satisfies the location control ifapp.HospitalNameDropDown.Value ~="All" tempIndices = [tempIndices, app.Data.Location == string(app.HospitalNameDropDown.Value)]; end % Determine which data points satisfy all requirements app.displayedIndices...
colors = blue red green blue blue green green blue 这里我们创建了2×4的类别数组。然后可以通过categories函数查看数组中有哪些类别。 >> categories(colors) ans = 'blue' 'green' 'red' 然后我们可以使用“==”来比较数组第一行元素是否和第二行元素相等。 >> colors(1,:) == colors(2,:) ans =...
% as a mask all colors will be white or black mask = im1 < 255; subplot(332), imshow(mask), title('Apply a mask'); %invert colors, otherwise the boundary sees nearly %the whole image, need to swap colors mask = imcomplement(mask); ...
二、部分源代码 clear all; close all; clc; A = double(imread('bird_small.tiff'));% 载入图片 dim = size(A,1); % 图片行数 k = 16; % 颜色分类的层数 means = zeros(k, 3); % Initialize means to randomly-selected colors in the original photo. ...
You may be tempted to instead revert the colours by clicking theRestore Default Colorsbuttons in theColorpane of the MATLAB preferences. However, this will be less effective than importing the default colours through Schemer because these buttons will not reset all the MATLAB colour preferences. (...
collapse all C— Color matrix matrix Color matrix containing indices into the colormap. The values in C map colors in the colormap array to the vertices surrounding each face. The color of a face depends on the color at one of its four vertices. Of the four vertices, the one that come...
all_colors(1, :), 1); end hold off 在当前 Axis 中绘制箭头 function PlotLineArrow(obj, x, y, markerColor, lineColor, lineWidth) % 绘制散点图 plot(x, y, 'o', 'Color', markerColor, 'MarkerFaceColor', markerColor); % 获取 Axes 位置 posAxes = get(obj, 'Position'); posX = pos...