The `axis` function in MATLAB is a versatile command for controlling and querying the display range and properties of the coordinate axes of a graph. It can set or return the minimum and maximum limits of a two-dimensional or three-dimensional coordinate axis, automatically adjust or lock the ...
the range of the x axis should be 0 to 100 but when i plotted it showed me to 1000 however when i put in plotting function the time as plot(time, y) it shows me error 답변 (1개) Mark Sherstan2018년 11월 14일
Adds multiple axes to plots using addaxis.m. Automatically adjusts axes to accomodate as many axes as you want. Add more plots to any added axes with addaxisplot.m Add y-labels to any of the axes with addaxislabels.m All plots zoom together. A small modification to the zoom function...
limits— Axis limits four-element vector | six-element vector | eight-element vector Axis limits, specified as a vector of four, six, or eight elements. For Cartesian axes, specify the limits in one of these forms: [xmin xmax ymin ymax]— Set the x-axis limits to range from xmin ...
每个子图都使用axis([-inf inf -inf inf -inf inf])来设置坐标轴的显示范围。 clear clc [x,y,z] =peaks; subplot(2,3,1); meshz(x,y,z); %曲面加上围裙,即给出曲面和零平面 axis([-inf inf -inf inf -inf inf]); subplot(2,3,2); ...
axis in the graphics window, usually specified in the form of [lower left corner x, lower left corner y, width, height]. Color refers to the background color of the axis. XLim and YLim refer to setting the display range of the x-axis and y-axis. Box refers to the border type of ...
每个子图都使用axis([-inf inf -inf inf -inf inf])来设置坐标轴的显示范围。 clear clc [x,y,z] =peaks; subplot(2,3,1); meshz(x,y,z); %曲面加上围裙,即给出曲面和零平面 axis([-inf inf -inf inf -inf inf]); subplot(2,3,2); ...
% Create and plot a sphere with radius r.[x,y,z] = sphere; % Create a unit sphere.r = 2;surf(x*r,y*r,z*r) % Adjust each dimension and plot.axis equal % Use the same scale for each axis. % Find the surface area and volume.A = 4*pi*r^2;V = (4/3)*pi*r^3;将...
MATLAB allows you to add title, labels along the x-axis and y-axis, grid lines and also to adjust the axes to spruce up the graph.The xlabel and ylabel commands generate labels along x-axis and y-axis. The title command allows you to put a title on the graph. The grid on command...
xlim([0, duration * 1000]);% Adjust x-axis to show time in milliseconds ylim([0, 5]);% Adjust based on your expected voltage range save('your_data_file.mat','x','time_ms');% Save your variables to a .mat file and it actually plots the signal acquired every 10 seconds(it is...