You can also use thetext()function to add text with a box to the plot. You need to pass the x and y coordinate on which you want to place the text. Simply plot the variable and then select the coordinates from the plot and then use thetext()function to place the text on the sele...
clear;clc;States={'Georgia','Michigan','North Carolina','New Jersey','Virginia'};Abbrev={'GA'...
'FontName','Times New Roman','FontAngle','italic','FitBoxToText','off','EdgeColor','none'); %% Draw snow sXYZ = rand(200,3).*[12,12,17] - [6,6,16]; sHdl1 = plot3(sXYZ(1:90,1),sXYZ(1:90,2),sXYZ(1:90,3),'*','Color',[.8,.8,.8]); ...
function batch(){ var dataArr = []; $('#line').each(function(){ let obj = ...
text() and annotation() 函数x3 = 1:0.3:10; y3 = sin(x3); hold on % add ,not replace plot(x3,y3,'--r'); plot(x3,x3,'--g'); line([1 10],[0 0]) % line from (1,0) to (10,0) line([4 4], [0 sin(4)]) % line from (4,0) to (4 ,sin(4)) line([5 5]...
Add callback functions to the buttons function calculateButton_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)str1 = get(handles.textbox1, 'String'); % Get the first number str2 = get(handles.textbox2, 'String'); % Get the second number num1 = str2double(str1); % Convert numbers to double ...
'FontName','Times New Roman', 'FontAngle','italic', 'FitBoxToText','off','EdgeColor','none'); %% Draw snow sXYZ = rand(200,3).*[12,12,17] - [6,6,16]; sHdl1 = plot3(sXYZ(1:90,1),sXYZ(1:90,2),sXYZ(1:90,3), '*', 'Color',[.8,.8,.8]); sHdl2 = plot3...
plot(dataVect(i,:), LineSpecs{i}); end xlim([0 100]); title({'10种不同的正态分布','使用不同的颜色和线型','可读性大大提高'}); xlabel('x'); ylabel('x的概率密度函数'); legend(legendMatrix,'Location','NorthEastOutside',... 'Fontsize',8); box on; 图23...