Thank you.. This is the great response.If it works without loops its really cool. as per your response, it sums cumulatively when sign changes from + to - and vice-versa, but for my problem starting from last element of L, i want sum between end element to...
I do not want to use different colors or graph patterns because I have several vertical lines and the graph is otherwise hard to read. x is a vector of date numbers and y is price data. Date1 and Date2 are dates that are element of x. plot(x,y), grid on; dateaxis('x',17);...
element = row_vector(3); % 访问列向量元素 element = column_vector(2); % 访问矩阵元素 element = matrix(2, 3); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 修改数组和矩阵元素 % 修改行向量元素 row_vector(3) = 10; % 修改列向量元素 column_vector(2) = 20; % 修改矩阵元素 matrix(2, 3) = 30...
scrPos = r.ScreenSize; % Size/position is always a 4-element vector: [x0 y0 dx dy] dx = scrPos(3); dy = scrPos(4); videoPlayer = vision.VideoPlayer('Position',[dx/8, dy/8, dx*(3/4), dy*(3/4)]); while ~isDone(videoFReader) videoFrame = step(videoFReader); step(vid...
I want to change numFeatures fro 1 to 3. I have added a 3 element vector to X2Train >> preview(dsTrain) ans = 1×3 cell array {28×28 double} {[-42 0.9891 0.5122]} {[3]} layers = [ imageInputLayer(imageInputSize,'Normalization','none','Name','imag...
S(i).P(j) gives access to the geometrical description of the j-th element of the i-th shape. XData : S(i).P(j).x : Vector YData : S(i).P(j).y : Vector Hole : S(i).P(j).hole : Binary value (1= hole, 0= fill). This binary variable indicates whether the co...
查查'sdspfscope2'或者 'ddd/Spectrum Scope/Frame Scope中的变量定义,'Value must be a 4 element vector'意思为值应该为含有四个元素的矢量
an array of elevations % "refvec" is the three-element referencing vector [Z, refvec] = etopo(etopoFile,2, latlim, lonlim); % Plotting marker on map plotm(-37.814, 144.96332, '.k','markersize',8) % Naming on map textm(-37.814, 144.96332,point name,'FontSize',12) % Displaying ...
(gca,'XTick',0:4:ihor) end % Clear screen and print elapsed time clc; toc; % Print some directions to the user disp('Please find the means and variances of the VAR parameters in the vectors') disp('ALPHA_mean and ALPHA_std for the VAR regression coefficients, and ') disp('SIGMA_...
Family subfields can now have their own DeviceList, ElementList, and Status.2010 - October to December (v2.16.3)Major bug fix in setpv when using cell arrays in incremental mode or steppv (found by Laurent Nadolski). The delta change was being applied twice if the WaitFlag was being use...