functionplotv3(v_start, v_end, v_size, v_color)% This function is used to plot 3d vectors.%% Parameters:% v_start: the start point of a vector% v_end: the end point of a vector% v_size: the vector line width, optional% v_color: the vector's color, optional%% Examples:% plot...
the difference between it and plot is that more z-axis needs to be defined, to plot multiple sets of coordinates on the same set of axes, please specify at least one of X, Y, or Z as a matrix, and the others as vectors. For example:x...
具体使用语法为y = linspace(start, stop, num)。 The linspace function in MATLAB can generate vectors with linear intervals within a specified interval. It is very suitable for creating equally spaced numerical sequences and is widely used in various occasions such as drawing, numerical analysis, a...
Thecontourfunction is used to create a plot with contour lines of constant value. contour(z,16) colormapdefault% change color map Quiver Plot Thequiverfunction plots 2-D vectors as arrows. x = -2:.2:2; y = -1:.2:1; [xx,yy] = meshgrid(x,y); zz = xx.*exp(-xx.^2-yy.^2...
PlotBoundary([new(q,:)] ,i,1)%绘制分界线 end drawnow 其中绘制样本点与绘制分界线的函数PlotPats.m与PlotBoundary.m如下:function PlotPats(P,D) % PLOTPATS Plots the training patterns defined by Patterns and Desired. % % P - NELTS x NPATS matrix of input patterns (column vectors). ...
一.绘制三维曲线的基本函数 最基本的三维图形函数为plot3,它将二维绘图函数plot的有关功能扩展到三维空间,可以用来绘制三维曲线。其调用格式为:plot3(x1,y1,z1,选项1,x2,y2,z2,选项2,…)其中每一组x,y,z组成一组曲线的坐标参数,选项的定义和plot的选项一样。当x,y,z是同维向量时,则x...
2、绘制3D球体 functionscatter3sph(X,Y,Z,varargin)%SCATTER3SPH (X,Y,Z) Makes a 3d scatter plot with 3D spheres% SCATTER3SPH is like scatter3 only drawing spheres instead% of flat circles, at coordinates specified by vectors X, Y, Z. All three% vectors have to be of the same length...