y=linspace(x1,x2,n)表示创建一个从x1开始,到x2结束,等间距的n个元素组成的行向量y。示例代码如下: A linspace creates a vector by directly defining data elements, rather than direct increments of data elements. y = linspace (x1, x2) means creating a row vector y of 100 equally spaced point...
function [C,m]=covmatrix(X) [K,n]=size(X); X=double(X); if n==1 C=0; m=x; else m=sum(X,1)/K; X=X-m(ones(K,1),:); C=(X'*X)/(K-1); m=m'; end function I=colorseg(varargin) f=varargin{2}; if(ndims(f)~=3)|(size(f,3)~=3) error('Input image must ...
Although it is not possible to put k = 0 directly but, according to the L’Hopital’s theorem, the limit as k tends to zero exists, Mk = lim k->0 [1/n(x1^k + x2^k + ... + xn^k)]^1/k = (x1x2 ... xn)^1/kInput: x - Input data vector k - desired power (-1...
size(A) 即返回[A_row,A_col] size(A,1) 即返回A_row size(A,2) 即返回A_col 返回值可以直接使用向量来接收,也可以使用两个常数接收 vector = size(A) [A_r,A_c] = size(A) length(A) 即返回max(A_row,A_col) numel(A) 即返回元素总数 线性索引: MatLab 中数据的存储方式为 "列线性"...
[x,y] = ginput(n) In addition, the function axis allows the user to set the limits of the axes for a particular plot. This takes the form axis(p) where p is a four-element row vector specifying the lower and upper limits of the axes in the x and y directions. The axis statement...
function[U,S]=pca(X)%PCARun principal component analysis on the datasetX%[U,S,X]=pca(X)computes eigenvectorsofthe covariance matrixofX%Returns the eigenvectorsU,theeigenvalues(on diagonal)inS%[m,n]=size(X);U=zeros(n);S=zeros(n);sigma=X'*X/m;[U,S,X]=svd(sigma);endfunctionZ=pro...
vector(O,P)draws a three-dimensional vector from originOto pointPin the current axes if both points are specified as row vectors containing the respective Cartesian coordinates,[x,y,z]. IfOand/orPare specified as matrices,[x1,y1,z1; x2,y2,z2; ...], then multiple vectors are drawn. ...
function [dy1,dy2,x1c,dy1c]=derivativeNE(x,y)%Calculate the 1st and 2nd derivative for Not Equal spaced samples.%%INPUT% x as column or row vector, more than 2 values% y as column or row vector, same amount of values as for x%%OUTPUT% dy1: 1st derivative, y'(x)% % dy2: ...
% @(p) TestIfInside(p, x, y) with inline functions or regular function % handles % Extracting the elements of the P vector; the first two are the center of % the circle, the third is the radius c = P(1:2); r = P(3);function [c, ceq] = TestIfInside(p, x, y) ...
1 前言 如果你是和我一样的小白,强烈推荐看看这里,需要合理地利用官方的文档,通常我觉得官方文档是最好的,没有之一,在命令终端输入help plot,可以看到详细的帮助文档;具体如下; >> help plot plot Linear plot. plot(X,Y) plots vector Y versus vector X. If X or Y is a matrix, ...