出错matlab.graphics.internal.propertyinspector.propertyinspector (第18行) matlab.graphics.internal.propertyinspector.propertyinspector('show'); 出错viewmenufcn (第52行) matlab.graphics.internal.propertyinspector.propertyinspector('toggle'); 计算Menu Callback 时出错。 解决方法 在命令行窗口输入以下三个命令:...
call the% local function named CALLBACK in JIEMIAN.M with the given input% arguments.%% *See GUI Options on GUIDE's Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one% instance to run (singleton)".%% See also: GUIDE, GUIDATA, GUIHANDLES% Edit the above text to modify the response to help ...
% UNTITLED('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local% function named CALLBACK in UNTITLED.M with the given input arguments.%% UNTITLED('Property','Value',...) creates a new UNTITLED or raises the% existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are% ...
Error in ==> readfis at 187 MFName=eval(MFStr((nameStart+1):(nameEnd-1))); Error in ==> fisgui at 117 [fis,errorStr]=readfis; ??? Error while evaluating uimenu Callback Please advise me on the wrong. Thank you in advance ...
在figure控件callback之内调用guidata(hObject, handles);,hObject是控件的句柄。如果在其他子函数或者非figure控件的callback知中使用guidata保存数据,hObject就不再是控件句柄,会出错。所以我们要用figure的句柄代替hObject,即handles.figure1 guidata( handles.figure1 , handles);例如在上述计时器的...
nwaitbar(x,'title','creatcancelbtn','button_callback') 在进程条上使用creatcancelbtn参数创建一个撤销按钮,在进程中按下撤销按钮将调用button_callback 函数。 nwaitbar(...,property_name,property_value,...) 选择其它由prompt_name定义的参数,参数值由prompt_value指定。 (12) 打开文件对话框uigetfile ...
How to hide a Menu Item using MFC? how to hide a window of another process? How to hide command line window when using system("command xxx") function? How to Hide the Window (HWND) his shortcut from the Taskbar How to implement a callback function in a DLL How to implement CListC...
在以前的版本中,press、drag、hover 和chooseContextMenu 方法仅允许您为 Units 属性设置为 "pixels" 的图窗指定坐标。 例如,创建一个 Units 属性设置为 "normalized" 的图窗。然后,以编程方式按下该图窗左下角附近的一个点。 fig = uifigure(Units="normalized"); testCase = matlab.uitest.TestCase.for...
function mytemps f = figure; c = uicontrol(f,'Style','popupmenu'); c.Position = [20 75 60 20]; c.String = {'Celsius','Kelvin','Fahrenheit'}; c.Callback = @selection; function selection(src,event) val = c.Value; str = c.String; str{val}; disp(['Selection: ' str{val}]...