请问Matlab中plot函数默认的7中颜色 :::请参考以下相关问题::: 求助:MATLAB中plot函数画图 答案1::scatter(X,Y,S,C)displayscoloredcirclesatthe locationsspecifiedbythevectorsXandY(whichmustbe thesamesize). Sdeterminestheareaofeachmarker(specifiedin points^2)...
求助 请问matla..比如我用x=[0:1:10]y=sin(x)y1=cos(x)如果同时用plot作图可以plot(x,y,x,y1)但scatter函数能够这么做吗不能用hold on命令 因为后面涉及到调颜色 求助
scatter(X,Y,S,C) displays colored circles at the locations specified by the vectors X and Y (which must be the same size).S determines the area of each marker (specified in points^2). S can be a vector the same length as X and Y or a scalar. If S is a scalar, M...