2) Is the iconotext only modelled as a medium of insight or can it also be seen as a figure of reflection of a diagrammatic way of thinking, in which the possibilities and limits of pictorial and verbal signs are defined? In this example the fundamental and productive connection of ...
两侧肾脏的上极或下极相融合成马蹄肾。马蹄肾发生在胚胎早期,是两侧肾脏胚胎在脐动脉之间被紧挤而融合的结果。 临床表现 多数患者因神经丛,血循环或输尿管受压迫而发症状。有上腹部,脐部或腰部疼痛,慢性便秘及泌尿系统症状,如慢性肾炎、肾盂炎 、肾积水和结石等。 影像学表现 1,尿路平片及造影:根据两侧肾影靠...