A significant reason for this is the higher investment females make in each gamete than males. Females may prefer certain males for a variety of reasons, including "good genes", meaning that the male has attributes which predict better survivorship of the offspring, good potential parenting by ...
Cetacean matinginvolves the reproduction of whales, dolphins, and porpoises. Its purpose is to produce offspring. Just like humans, dolphins are mammals. They are social, meaning they live in pods or groups and give live birth. Sexual Maturity and Reproduction of Dolphins ...
TABLE 1 The probabilities of various matings, given that two genotypes have encountered P1 P, AA AA' P3 frequency A'A' genotype F, AA 1 P2 AA' c' 1 P, A'A' fi 1 frequency genotype The term encounter has a somewhat expanded meaning as used here. As in its normal usage, one can...
widely used in the social sciences, especially economics but also sociology. In 1982, John Maynard Smith introduced the idea of the ‘evolutionarily stable strategy’ or ESS to biology. The ESS is the distribution of participants into different strategies, such that no new strategy could do ...
MPFMeaning, Pronunciation and Form MPFMetal Parts Furnace MPFMilitary Plant Foreman(UK) MPFMario Party Forum(gaming) MPFMating Pair Formation(biology) MPFMultinational Protection Force MPFMort pour la France MPFMulti-Purpose Facility MPFMulti Purpose Feeder(printers) ...
Biology Syllabus Biology Question Papers Book online demo Ethology Meaning Ethology meaning refers to the scientific study of animal behaviour, with an emphasis on behaviour in natural environments and the idea of behaviour as an evolutionary adaptive attribute. Behaviourism also refers to the scientific...
(2) All of the mutations are "sex-limited," meaning that they can be carried and transmitted by, but not expressed in, mt(-) cells. (3) Four of the mutations (imp-2, imp-5, imp-6, imp-7) are either allelic or closely linked to one another, with imp-8 defining a second ...
Prum RO (2010) The lande-kirkpatrick mechanism is the null model of evolution by intersexual selection: Implications for meaning, honesty, and design in intersexual signals. Evolution 64(11):3085–3100. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1558-5646.2010.01054.x Article Google Scholar Prum RO (2013) ...
According to this hypothesis, language evolved through a three stage process involving general increases in intelligence, the emergence of grammatical structure as a result of sexual selection on protomusical songs, and finally the attachment of meaning to the components of those songs. The strongest ...