Define Matildas. Matildas synonyms, Matildas pronunciation, Matildas translation, English dictionary definition of Matildas. Known as "Empress Maud." 1102-1167. English princess as the daughter of Henry I. After her first husband, Emperor Henry V, died,
From a neutral perspective, this result was fun and the euphoria exploding out of the Nigerian team and their fans is what World Cups are all about. From a Matildas perspective, this result felt like the death knell of this World Cup campaign. play 1:12 How devastating...
Of course, those results don't take into account everything. Gustavsson was appointed at a critical juncture in the Matildas history not just because of the looming home World Cup but because the team had had two coaches in as many years after Alen Stajcic and Ante Milicic. ...