This contract demostrates how an EOS contract can be made immutable in a given period of time, without losing mutability forever. Such a mechanism guarantees immutability when trustlessness is necessary, with code changes possible with prior notice to users...
We provide database administration & support services covering key aspects of your MySQL, Oracle®, or Microsoft® SQL Server® database. Read More Hospital Management System The hospital Management system provides the benefits of streamlined operations, enhanced administration & control, strict cost...
Database Support Services We provide database administration & support services covering key aspects of your MySQL, Oracle®, or Microsoft® SQL Server® database. Read More Hospital Management System The hospital Management system provides the benefits of streamlined operations, enhanced administrat...
Among the annual learnings offered up from the “Oracle of Omaha”, Buffett talked about the outperformance to be had by being an investor as opposed to a trader and thinking of investments as “interests in businesses, not as ticker symbols.” I could not agree more, but then again that ...
今天,我们将视线聚焦于刚刚高调更名为 Polygon (原 Matic Network)的以太坊二层项目——这是一个开发和生态应用呈现蓬勃发展的「Layer 2 解决方案聚合器」。 据链闻的统计,在上线主网 8 个多月的时间里,Polygon 的生态已初具规模,生态内有超过120个项目,逐步搭建起从游戏、NFT 到 DeFi 等细分领域的多样化生态...
Tellor于去年11月份在Polygon上部署了一个预言机“Tellor Optimistic Oracle”(Tellor Too),其能够从Tellor Too的预言机价格流中获取资产价格。 4.EasyFi:二层网络的借贷协议 EasyFi是基于Polygon的二层网络DeFi借贷协议,旨在解决第一代DeFi解决方案在交易速度、成本等领域面临的一些固有挑战,为小微借贷开辟基础。
Polygon integrates with ChainLink, Ankr, and many other projects. Such integration enables utility in decentralized oracle applications, messaging apps, data brokerage, and Wi-Fi ad bidding, just to mention a few. Polygon is now integrated by several merchants who allow people to pay and receive ...
首先,全球性的购买方寻找的是可衡量的应用广告位。Open Measurement SDK (OMSDK)是IAB的一项标准, 同时也支持Oracle Advertising的MOAT和Integral Ad Science (IAS)等三方广告可视度及验证的供应商衡量移动应用广告。所以在广告主决定说要用哪种衡量方法的时候,一般来说IAB的OMSDK是首选标准。