(such as your profile picture; audio, video, or image, or text that you submit in connection with reviews, survey responses, live chat and other customer service interactions, or other submissions to our services) purposes for collection: (1) other users (including instructors and students, ...
Sensory and Photo/Video Data and Other User Generated Content (such as your profile picture; audio, video, or image, or text that you submit in connection with reviews, survey responses, live chat and other customer service interactions, or other submissions to our services) Purposes for Colle...
Mathway has great customer service. Their customer representatives are very knowledgeable and they respond quickly to emails (within 24 hours). However, they do not have phone support. You can only contact them via email, which can be an inconvenience for some customers who prefer talking to a...
image The result of a transformation on an object. imaginary number An even root of a negative number; the square root of −1-1 is symbolized by ii. implicit differentiation An application of the chain rule allowing one to calculate the derivative of a function given implicitly. improper fra...