Mental maths is a part of the SATs exams your child will take this year, so help them prepare with this mental maths practice test.
Keystage:KS2,Year 6 The UK primary school "maths mastery" approach to numeracy teaching aims to build mathematical understanding and fluency through hands-on practice. In our maths mastery year-group workbooks, you'll find lots of activities to help your child get to grips with the maths curr...
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Even maths scores taken from KS2 Sats in Year 6 were more strongly associated with Year 8 English test scores than English tests taken at the end of Year 7. A potential explanation for this, Professor Jerrim says, is that maths test scores “typically contain less measurement error than En...
This is a great way to test children’s times tables skills. It only takes two minutes to set up! What you need to play: Two dice A sheet of paper Counter or coins How to play: Draw a triangle made from squares, with four on the bottom up to one at the top. Each player cho...
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