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Maths revision – the fun way! Our Year 1 Maths Booster pack covers all the main maths topics your child will learn in the first year of KS1 to help them practise their skills. Use the colourful worksheets to boost your child's confidence with number bonds, telling the time, simple addit...
These games, quizzes and other interactive activities will become the biggest part of this site. At the moment there are six different types of activity which cover more than 120 skills. The activities include Number Chains, Pairs, Triples, Two-way Matchup... ...
Other sites I have looked at, including the BBCBitesize, are less easy to navigate and do not have the progression in small steps accompanied by revision, quiz and daily challenge which encourages the student and builds confidence. Barbara, parent ...
Free KS2Christmas maths quiz DO YOU HAVE STUDENTS WHO NEED MORE SUPPORT IN MATHS? Every week Third Space Learning’s specialistschool tutorssupport thousands of students across hundreds of schools with weekly online 1 to 1 maths lessons designed to plug gaps and boost progress. ...
1.Revision village 为IB数学量身定制的数学资源库学习网站,内容完整,操作方便,大多数IB学生和学校都在使用,包含Maths HL, Maths SL, Maths Studies及Math AA & AI的HL与SL,每门课程都配有数学考试题库、学习视频、考试练习,有IB历年真题还有逐步讲解视频和IB模拟考试、答案,有免费和付费资源。
Intensiverevision workshopsand much more! You can also choose to studyonline, athomeoron-campus. Try a lesson for free today! Enrol now! Looking to excel and accelerate ahead? Studying ahead bringsmany benefits- freeing up more time in the future so that you canfocus more on the difficult su...
In this article, we will learn about Addition and Subtraction. The learning objectives are: Addition without renaming Addition with renaming Topic Recap: Addition within 100 without renaming Example: Jerry went to an arcade. He won 38 tickets from his first game and 21 tickets from his ...
GCSE maths can be broken down into 6 major topics, each with two levels of difficulty. The five day intensive course will cover all 6 major study topics at thefoundation levelORhigher level. The course will include 30 hours of tuition, revision material and access to on-line study resources...