have tried to teach them in a lot of ways like quizzes, extra tuitions, stories and others. but sometimes it just does not connect with them. however, there is a new solution that many educators are adopting today—the use of math apps. since mobiles devices like smartphones and ...
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Mathematics Fundamentals Refreshments - Free Maths Quizzes We all love Maths, & we all even app developers find it a bit difficult, that's why we developed this app to refresh your knowledge in maths and to prepare you for some quiz in the exam. Enjoy while it's free. ...
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I use spaced practice in my BBQ starters for KS4, and my homework and quizzes for KS3, but I don’t interleave in “main” classwork, unless it’s part of revision. Yet, as Tom pointed out, in maths we have to choose our strategies before we use them, which is not addressed in...
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Mathematics Fundamentals Refreshments - Free Maths Quizzes We all love Maths, & we all even app developers find it a bit difficult, that's why we developed this app to refresh your knowledge in maths and to prepare you for some quiz in the exam. Enjoy while it's free. This application...