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30 May, 2011. Site Started 19th April 2000. This site is updated on a regular basis - see Recent Additions. Print out The Times Tables. And stick them in your exercise book. From twos to twelves with an interactive quiz. Interactive demonstration of the Properties of the equation of a st...
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Look at the maths. How far would a Mazda 3 travelling at 60 kph (37.3 mph) travel in 0.9 seconds? Anshere. 4. Can you out run a fireball? This is a Movie Cliché we see over and over. But is it possible? A Fireball travels at 400 m/sec. That’s metres/sec. Now can you ...
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Monster Math is designed to test multiple skills in one go, unlike flash cards or simple quiz based apps, which only ask one question at a time. It is a great way to practice mental math and doing math drills, in a fun game environment. Regular play will lead to faster recall and use...
Have your child walk through basic arithmetic for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year maths. It is designed to give maximum number, times table, and basic long division practice. Unlike flash cards or simple quiz based apps, Monster Math’s mechanics are designed to test multiple skills at once and guide...
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Monster Math is a hugely better approach to practicing mental math and doing math drills. It is designed to quiz multiple skills at once; unlike flash cards or simple quiz based apps, which only ask one question at a time. Kids love Monster Math!
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