Year 3 maths game 2: guess my numberIn this KS2 maths game, children calculate solutions to a problem, by using the information available to them. They need to identify the missing number, through the information they pick up on one number in the question and the answer. It is a much ...
Introduce your child to mental maths with this simple quiz, created by teachers and designed specially for Year 1 children. The answers are provided and you have the option to time your child. Already registered? LOG IN to download this instantly ►or REGISTER now ► ...
In KS2 Maths, as you move to Year Five, you'll learn more about shapes. You'll know names of 2D shapes, from circles to decagons, and some 3D shapes too. Spotting equilateral, right angle, and isosceles triangles is a breeze now. Get ready for scalene, obtuse triangles, and congruent...
regular mini-quizzes, or using the starting portion of the lesson for a Top 5/10) is more crucial than ever for identifying gaps in learning. These articles are designed for Year 11 teachers and students: How to revise for GCSE, How to revise for maths Take a look at the GCSE ...
From revision lessons to practice questions and quizzes, explore a collection of GCSE and IGCSE maths revision resources you could use in the classroom.
Primary maths resources from Tes includes maths worksheets and activities for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, decimals and more for KS1 and 2.
(finding areas of kites with lengths as fractions). This is an important area of contemplation for me at the moment. I use spaced practice in my BBQ starters for KS4, and my homework and quizzes for KS3, but I don’t interleave in “main” classwork, unless it’s part of revision...
Try our free online interactive KS1/KS2 maths baseline toolkit Interactive bite-size quizzes Learning gap insights Fun intervention resources PLUS teaching tips and curriculum planning guide Rapidly identify the biggest learning gaps for every pupil in your class right now – without any planning or...
Journey into the world of position in KS2 Maths! Learn compass points, angles, and tricky terms. Test your skills with this fun quiz on position and orientation.
Numerise helps children learn Year 6, KS3 and GCSE maths online. Follow lessons or choose which topics to work through.