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This principle of doing small things everyday also applies to students and learning. By doing one Math question per day, at the end of one year, a student would have completed 365 Math questions! This would be a considerable amount that would certainly help to boost the student’s Math gra...
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Our GCSE maths tuition programmes are designed specifically for Year 10 and 11 students in secondary schools and academies who are struggling with maths or lacking in confidence. And because they receive the maths tuition online, it’s both convenient and affordable. As a DfE-approved tuition part...
We have a collection of videos, solutions, activities, worksheets and past year papers that are suitable for A Level Maths. Some materials here are also relevant for IGCSE/GCSE Additional Mathematics. Share this page to Google Classroom
Solved ICSE Class 10 Maths Previous Year Papers are available for free downloading for the year 2010 to 2023. Solve these papers and ace your class 10 board exams.
... Continue Reading → December 8, 2023 The Holy Grail of Maths: Langlands. (specialization vs generalization). This year's TOK question for Mathematics is the following: "How can we reconcile the opposing demands for specialization and ...
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Complement, not replace, GCSE past papers. Answ... sophiedrew2000 GCSE Maths Algebra Questions £1.00 (1) This resource contains a set of questions for the ALGEBRA section of GCSE maths. Carefully selected questions match the specification points so that overall the students can check their ...