Maths Revision Game for KS3 and GCSE Foundation Are you looking for engaging ways for your high school maths students to review key topics? Whether you need a Fraction Decimal Percent Activity, adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers or reviewing Pythagoras’ Theorem, it’s in the ...
We have synced it with our schemes of work at KS3 and KS4 and are noticing an improvement in the quality and quantity of maths work that our students produce both inside and outside the classroom.“ Mark Heslop, Sale Grammar School, Manchester ...
At KS2 maths games provide an essential bridge between the playfulness of maths in KS1 and the more rigorous mathematical concepts that children have to learn from year 3 onwards. Children love playing games, whether that’s just running around playing tag at break time or sitting down for ...
Maths games KS2 Maths games KS3 So in short, if you’re looking for fun maths games, we’ve got you covered! KS2 Maths Games and Activities Pack A FREE downloadable games and activities pack, including 20 home learning maths activities for KS2 pupils to complete on their own or with ...
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Created by teachers and aligned to the Reception, KS1, KS2 and KS3 curriculum, our maths solving app helps kids learn the fundamentals of maths through fun, personalised practice, ensuring continual progression in their learning. Personalised learning Using the latest adaptive technology, DoodleMat...
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Our Leeds Maths tutors provide Maths tuition at KS2, KS3, GCSE and A level. We have a lot of experience working in the North and West Yorkshire area and our Maths tutors are familiar with the different exam boards that the Leeds schools use for their A Level and GCSE Maths courses, wh...
Version: Multilingual first edition (2010), Language: English/German/Italian, Publisher: Placentia GamesVersionID: 62520%End% Give GeekGold More Actions 1 Commentlast reply Feb 3, 2019 Added Feb 2, 2019 6.0 5. 221B Baker Street: The Master Detective Game Chris Geggus @Ahiksking "221B ...