CBSE Class 10 Maths Chapter 1 Extra MCQs 21. Euclid’s division lemma represents the pair of integers 25 & 7 as ___. A. 25 = 25 × 1 + 0 B. 25 = 7 × 3 + 4 C. 25 = 7 × 2 + 11 D. 25 = 7 × 4 – 3 22. What...
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Most Repeated 100 MCQs of Math’s for University Admission Test P is 5 times as large as Q, the percent that Q is less than P is ___? 0 A. 60% B. 90% C. 80% D. None of These Read More Details about this Mcq: Who was Blaise Pascal? 0 A. English novelist B. German phy...
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