Inevitably a key part of youryear 6 maths revisionstrategy and youryear 6 SATs revision planningwill be to use sample KS2 SATs tests, ideally in exactly the same format as your Year 6 pupils will sit in May. That way, your pupils will become familiar with the process and the exam stru...
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Thank you for all your extraordinary materials that have made working with my Year 6 child such a pleasure.- Yolanda, London This is an excellent resource, for anybody looking to understand more about the curriculum that your children are studying and add some extra support at home. Highly rec...
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We are delighted that our Key Stage 2 Maths SATs revision programme helped your daughter improve their SATs results. We are also pleased to hear how the Year 7 Practices eased her transition to secondary school. We wish her all the best in Secondary school! Sarah-Anne and The SMASH Maths...
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Year 2 maths often represents a huge change for children. With Key Stage 1 SATs at the end of the year, maths teaching often becomes more structured and the pace can be difficult for children to keep up with. Fortunately, there are ways that you can support your child to thrive and to...
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