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2. Personalised learning planBased on a diagnostic assessment, students follow a GCSE maths programme tailored to their target grade and addressing specific learning gaps. 3. Seamless integrationWe coordinate with your school’s timetable, accommodating up to 20 students simultaneously with minimal disru...
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Lastly, the most important thing I can take out of this program is my results. Before I begun this program, I was sitting on a ‘B’ grade, but after following Jeevan’s advice and strategy, I am now working on a solid ‘A’ grade. After I go through Jeevan’s tips on securing 1...
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Best of all, each resource has undergone careful review by the expert maths teachers on the Teach Starter team to ensure it's ready for your lesson plan and your students. You'll even find customisable resources and activities that have already been differentiated for you. Did we mention they...
(Lesson 1-1) 10. 1,630 11. $5,367 12. 20,495 13. $89,196 14. Measurement Mount Everests tallest peak is 29, 7、035 feet tall. It is the highest point on Earth. Identify the place value of each digit in 29,035. Round each number to its greatest place value. (Lesson 1-6)...
Plus Plan Number Posters Display this set of 1-20 number posters in the classroom to encourage a knowledge and understanding of each number. Slide PDF Year s P - 2 Plus Plan Shape Worksheet Sets (Foundation to Grade 6 Level) Use these levelled worksheets sets with your primary sch...
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Use the four-step plan to solve problems. Key Vocabulary place value standard form expanded form is greater than () is less than (, ) is 3、less than ( is less than 41,294. So, police officers earn more money than firefighters. Jeff Dunn/Index Stock Imagery Lesson 1-4 Compare Whole...