and clunky presentation. Transfinite Research set out to do things properly, developing code for textbook-quality pdf generation of algebra, diagrams and graphs, as well as researching the metamathematics of question generation (see 'How to write a worksheet generator' above for a brief taster of ...
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not restricted to any exam board and an excellent thing to be using with year 9s now as they start to head into their GCSE years. I’m certainly going to be talking to my department about it.
If you think you need a bit more practice before dealing with word problems, here is a question generator and a programme to check your answers:The Equation GeneratorThe following programme is interactive: by clicking on the buttons, you can generate a random equation and its solutions: they ...
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A keyquestion in ToK is what can we know and what are the limits of our knowledge. Central to this, when it comes to the physical world, is the idea of chaos. Chaotic systems are those which are deterministic (ie. determined from initial conditions) and yet unpredictable - because small...
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