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From revision lessons to practice questions and quizzes, explore a collection of GCSE and IGCSE maths revision resources you could use in the classroom.
Ensure you review the papers with a mark scheme and take the time to understand why your answer might be wrong instead of marking your work without looking over it properly. It might be frustrating initially, but you can’t always memorise your way to success with maths, so ensuring you ha...
适合GCSE学习 ✍Hodder Education Hodder Education 是英国第二大中学用书出版社,主要推广GCSE,IB和Edexcel等考试体系教材,其教材适合小学到高中各年级。 Hodder Education 网站地址:hoddereducation.co.uk/ ✍Bitesize Bitesize 作为BBC旗下的免费在线学习网站,提供了教学视频、练习题、小测和游戏等丰富学习资源,涵盖学...
Paper 4(Extended)0580/41–Download Paper–Download Mark Scheme The 0626 syllabus is graded from 9 to 1 but is otherwise the same as Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics – 0580. You can therefore use the past papers for Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics – 0580 to help with the 9-1 version of the syllabu...
除了CIE之外,里面还有AQA、OCR、CCEA考试局的资料,上面有全科每届的pastpaper和markscheme. Physics and Maths Tutor 网址:https://www.physicsandmathstutor.com/ 有词汇,考纲,总结 还有测验卷,可以多花点时间整理复习。 doddle 网址: 这个网站非常适用上课经常开小差的同学,资源找起来很方便。
Free expand and simplify GCSE maths lesson, including step by step examples, exam questions and free worksheets with answers and mark scheme.
GCSE MARKING SCHEME2009 Summer Paper 1 (Non calculator) Foundation Tier1. (a) (i) 8204(ii) Four million six hundred thousandOR Four point six million(b) 174(c) (i) 8730(ii) 8700(d) 600 OR six hundred(e) 1, 15, 3, 5
Make maths your favourite subject! Welcome to Mathsaurus, where you can learn all the maths you need for maths challenges and Olympiads, 11+, GCSE and A-Level and even university entrance papers. This is school maths like you've never seen it before. Aim
GCE Questions for GCSE Higher tier Unit Tests Unit tests and mark schemes to support delivery of AS and A level Mathematics, for specific topics or learning requirements. Also available on Active Learn. AS Mathematics A level Mathematics Shadow Unit Tests Shadow versions of the ...