Explore this hand-picked collection of maths measurement activities, lesson ideas and games to help pupils understand length, volume and capacity, mass, perimeter and area, time and money
* Volume and Capacity* Time* Fractions and so much more!Matific Galaxy is the perfect educational experience, combining fun and learning. So put on your spacesuit and join your child on an extraordinary adventure that will delight and leave them more excited about mathematics than you ever ...
* Volume and Capacity* Data Analysis And so much more!Matific Galaxy is the perfect educational experience, combining fun and learning. So put on your spacesuit and join your child on an extraordinary adventure that will delight and leave them more excited about mathematics than you ever thought...
Volume & capacity Linking litres & cubes View lesson Includes games Early secondary Representing data Creating divided bar graphs View lesson Includes games Middle secondary Trigonometry: Introduction Applying trigonometry View lesson Pricing ACambridge HOTmathssubscription provides you with access to all reso...
between two money amounts find the change from simple amounts tell the time: o'clock, half-past, quarter-past and to understand and compare durations of time compare and measure length, mass, volume, capacity and temperature read a variety of scales going up in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s ...
actively engage with their peers and leaders in educational games and activities’ (Right To Play, 2017). This paper addressed the following research question: Do primary schoolchildren who are taught mathematics using play-based learning pedagogies attain higher scores in maths tests compared to ...
For instance, you can ask your child to calculate the volume of water needed to boil pasta by measuring the size of the pot and the amount of pasta to be cooked. You can also ask their child to estimate the baking time for a cake based on its size and the recommended cooking ...
estimate volume [for example, using 1 cm3 blocks to build cuboids (including cubes) and capacity [for example, using water] solve problems involving converting between units of time use all four operations to solve problems involving measure [for example, length, mass, volume, money] using decim...
From a practical point of view, these findings endorse the notion that we may be able to help children learn—and perhaps even like—mathematics if we encourage, through games and specific activities, the development of their pleasure to systemise.References...
3)Minimal surfaces and soap bubbles: Soap bubbles assume the minimum possible surface area to contain a given volume. 4)Tesseract – a 4D cube: How we can use maths to imagine higher dimensions. 5)Stacking cannon balls:An investigation into the patterns formed from stacking canon balls in dif...