如,中文里等式(如2 3=5)不同于方程(如2x-3=7);而英文里两者都可用equation来表达。因此,中文版的题翻成英文有时需要略作删改。必要处也使用了脚注来提醒读者此处与中文版不同。为了方便读者,英文版每册书后都附有中英数学词汇表。 上海的义务教育实行“五四学制”,本系列图书为1—9年级,每一年级分第1、...
in Chinese, a Deng Shi (e.g. 2 + 3 = 5) is different from a Fang Cheng (e.g. 2x ? 3 = 7); however in English, the word “equation” can apply to both a Deng Shi and a Fang Cheng. In this case, the questions in the Chinese edition were slightly changed when possible or...
math word problem solver dividing worksheets with decimals in the divisor algebra rational equations calculator conceptual physics formulas sum of radical numbers simplify radical calculator Explain the Substitution Method what is a common number?(maths) solve third order equation solving math...
“Excitement part of the equation”, Jane Watson, The Australian, 16 April 2008. (No online link currently available, sorry.) An initial submission (short version) to the innovation review by the National Committee for the Mathematical Sciences, 21 Apr 2008. An initial submission (preliminary ve...
6. The Equation for the Funniest Joke is: According toThe Telegraph UKthe formula for the funniest joke is: x = (fl + no ) / p Where x = funniness of joke f = funniness of punchline l = the length of the build-up n = the amount some falls over ...