Hi, I'm currently working on a UDF (user-defined function) in MS excel, which enables the user to determine what values of x satisfy an equation. I've seen code like this previously on websites such as https://newtonexcelbach.wordpress.com/2011/01/13/solving-higher-order-polynomials/ ...
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,challenge,Dumb and dumber,Funniest Joke,HOw to win the lottery,killed by coconuts,Least drawn numbers,Math Joke,Maths,PISA rank 2023,The Equation|Leave a Comment » Those Crazy Dutch WIN the Olympics per head of population August 12, 2024 You have all seen those Olympic Medal Charts. USA...
in Chinese, a Deng Shi (e.g. 2 + 3 = 5) is different from a Fang Cheng (e.g. 2x ? 3 = 7); however in English, the word “equation” can apply to both a Deng Shi and a Fang Cheng. In this case, the questions in the Chinese edition were slightly changed when possible or...
马尔科夫决策过程之Bellman Equation(贝尔曼方程) 马尔科夫决策过程之Markov Decision Process(马尔科夫决策过程) 马尔科夫决策过程之最优价值函数与最优策略 条件随机场(CRF, 判别式模型) 如何轻松愉快地理解条件随机场 如何用简单易懂的例子解释条件随机场(CRF)模型?它和HMM有什么区别? HMM ,MHMM,CRF 优缺点与区别...