Math Basketball games: Here, you earn points shooting hoops. To do so, students solve math problems correctly and get a chance to score a hoop. If you get it wrong, you miss the target. This is a basketball game for math pros. Math basketball is a fun and interactive game that helps ...
Each player calls out 1, 2 or 3 consecutive numbers, before it moves to the next player to carry on counting up. The player who ends up saying ‘21’ is out of the game. The game then continues, counting back from 1 to 21, until there is only one person left. They are the winne...
This activity will help you with your number recognition and counting skills. Already registered? LOG IN to download this instantly ► Keystage: EYFS, Nursery DOWNLOAD THIS RESOURCE INSTANTLY with a 14-day FREE trial! Thousands of English, maths & science printable and interactive resources ...
Introduce math concepts through interactive games, puzzles, and activities. Incorporate math into everyday experiences, such as counting objects during grocery shopping or calculating distances during a family road trip. By making math enjoyable, you create a positive association and motivate your child...
***The app is currently available in the English language only. Stay tuned for more languages!*** Draw on the experience and math knowledge of professional teachers, collected together in one app. Get personalized interactive lessons suitable for pre-K, K, 1st, and 2nd grade kids depending ...
Tutor Bot help you improve your fluency and confidence with many different Maths skills. Our fun interactive game will help you practise hundreds of different maths skills in one place. Try playing though the various games below and see which levels you can beat. ...
Money concepts such as recognising and counting coins Measurement of length, mass and capacity using non-standard units Simple fractions Year 2 The activities created for year 2 maths teachers cover the following concepts from the Australian maths curriculum: ...
Kids Game Times Tables 123 ABC WitPlex Designed for iPad Free Offers In-App Purchases Screenshots iPad iPhone Description Fun Math Games for Kids will teach your child the basics of counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Enter the entertaining world of mathematics. We all ...
Prodigi Sort categories by counting Prodigi Tick Tock Train - Telling the time Game Determine the missing number - subtraction Prodigi Transform your teaching withgame-based learning Used by thousands of students every day Set assignments Easily assign scaffolded, curriculum-aligned activities for class...
Road trip maths game 4: The 21 Game This is a fun strategy game, played with two or more players, who take it in turns to count up from 1. Each player can call out one, two or three consecutive numbers, before it moves to the next player to carry on counting up. ...