MathsStatsUNSW Youtube Channel Play The official YouTube channel of the School of Mathematics and Statistics UNSW, Sydney. Email *** YouTube Subscribers 22.7KFacebook Followers 4.9KType Micro Frequency 1 video/quarter Since Nov...
not restricted to any exam board and an excellent thing to be using with year 9s now as they start to head into their GCSE years. I’m certainly going to be talking to my department about it.
Q: Do you already know the latest stats joke? A: Probably... The mother of already three is pregnant with her fourth child. One evening, the eldest daughter says to her dad: "Do you know, daddy, what I've found out?" "No." ...
Following the successful inaugural IMA Festival of Mathematics in Manchester in 2014 and the Numbers Festival at Newcastle University in 2015, the third Festival came to London this June, hosted by the Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Greenwich in the beautiful, historic Old Royal ...