The two main issues were formatting and mobile apps. I know it may sound silly, but my time as a semi-professional web, print and graphic designer has really spoiled me in terms of how much control I need over the typography and typesetting in the documents I work with. Things like font...
(Someone told me that aces and pictures work too, but I haven't verified it yet.)Repeat this procedure until you have completed four columns of "ten counts."Take whatever remaining cards you have after making the four columns, and place them face down on TOP of the twenty-five card ...
The 8th Workshop 'Complex Geometry and Lie Groups' focuses on the interplay between Complex Geometry and Lie group theory, promoting research exchanges among experts and welcoming young researchers. It... WorkshopTravel & Tourism Interested4Tue...
In 1995, building on earlier work by Bourgain, Wolff famously obtained (1) with using what is now known as the “Wolff hairbrush argument”, based on considering the size of a “hairbrush” – the union of all the tubes that pass through a single tube (the hairbrush “stem”) in ...
Added workaround for a CUDA compiler bug (#186, #185) GLM - 2014-02-08 Fixed initializer list ambiguity (#159, #160) Fixed warnings with the Android NDK 9c Fixed non power of two matrix products Fixed mix function link error Fixed SSE code included in GLM tests on "pure" pl...
Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Explore Teams Teams Q&A for work Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Learn more about Teams Help with the contrapositive, converse and inverse of sta...
30)Time travel to the future: Investigate how traveling close to the speed of light allows people to travel “forward” in time relative to someone on Earth. Why does the twin paradox work? 31)Graham’s Number– a number so big that thinking about it could literally collapse your brain in...
Sometimes Desmos doesn’t do what you expect. Your work might need some first aid. DesmosGraph (Unofficial)’s post:Desmos Traps: Why Is It Not Workingmay have the diagnosis and cure you seek. Although this post from Gold & Ratios is two years old, I still wanted it included on this ...
Added workaround for a CUDA compiler bug (#186, #185) GLM - 2014-02-08 Fixed initializer list ambiguity (#159, #160) Fixed warnings with the Android NDK 9c Fixed non power of two matrix products Fixed mix function link error Fixed SSE code included in GLM tests on "pure" pl...
. Cyberspace was defined informally with the children as “the place for online interactions”. The inquiry question was intentionally broad to allow students to explore the context and work to decompose it into a manageable investigation. The question was devised by their classroom teacher to also...