doi:10.46303/repam.2023.24Sibanda, JamesResearch in Educational Policy & Management
The purpose of this study was to explore and compare the proficiency of Grade 11 Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy (ML) learners in solving two problems based on the temperature conversion formula. The first was a result-unknown problem that asks for the result of a formula for a given ...
The purpose of this study is to determine the eighth grade student's Mathematics Literacy level based on the PISA 2003 Mathematics exam questions and evaluations. Also relationships between distribution of Mathematics Literacy levels and some variables as students' gender, pre-school education, family'...
This study adopted a content-analysis method to examine the differences in how the topic of functions was handled by Finnish, Singaporean, and Taiwanese middle-grade mathematics textbooks for children aged 13–15 (seventh-ninth grade). The results showed that the three countries’ textbooks used di...
Grade 6–College More than a decade's worth of puzzles and problems from the International Championship of Mathematics are found in this three-volume set. The problems are organized by mathematical themes—geometry and symmetry, arithmetic and number theory, logic and algorithmic process. Created for...
In turn, for the literacy self-concept of ability, Cronbach’s alphas were 0.70 (Grade 6 fall), 0.67 (Grade 6 spring), 0.69 (Grade 7 fall), and 0.68 (Grade 7 spring). In the present study, the term literacy self-concept of ability refers to students’ self-concepts of ability in ...
Letters of recommendation are crucial; seek them from math teachers or mentors who can speak directly to your abilities and potential in the field. Craft a personal statement that reflects your passion for mathematics and your long-term career goals, explaining why you are drawn to this area of...
The long term effects of early acquired skills and behaviors on young children's achievement in literacy and mathematics Using the recently available wave of a large nationally representative sample of American elementary school children (ECLS-K data), this study examined the... K Bodovski,Youn, ...
Long-term prognosis is guarded as numerical skills have been associated with increased risk for unemployment and stress. The lack of numerical literacy skills can interfere with everyday basic living skills: e.g., not being able to make and keep appointments (due to not being able to judge or...
This was aimed at ensuring the introduction of Mathematics literacy and the associated equipment with logical and abstract thinking needed for living, problem solving and educational furtherance. For full realization of this laudable objective of Mathematics education, subject mastery and demonstrated ...