Lean 3 版 https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathematics_in_lean3. 源文件在master目录下,项目文件在gh-pages目录下 源文件readme This repository is used to generate the textbook and user repository for Mathematics in Lean. Our build process applies rudimentary scripts to marked up Lean files...
//github.com/leanprover-community/mathematics_in_lean. This creates a virtual machine in the cloud, and installs Lean and mathlib. It then presents you with a VS Code window, running in a virtual copy of the repository. You can then make a copy of thesrcdirectory, and so on, ...
Libary of mathematics 📚 formally verified in Lean 4 ✅ mathematics-librarylean4 UpdatedOct 22, 2024 Lean The missing mathematics operation library gogolangmathmathematicsgolang-librarygo-librarymathematics-library UpdatedDec 18, 2024 Go A comprehensive TypeScript library for generating figurate numbers...
注意:2023年依然用的是lean3,下面可以一键进入环境: 一键打开:https://gitpod.io/new/#https://github.com/chenjulang/formalising-mathematics-2023 --举例: -- 数论之:5次求和公式简单证明。 lemma sum_fifths (n : ℕ) : ∑ i in range n, (i : ℚ)^5 = (4 * (n * (n-1)/2)^3-(n...
注意:2023年依然用的是lean3,下面可以一键进入环境: 一键打开:https://gitpod.io/new/#https://github.com/chenjulang/formalising-mathematics-2023 --举例: -- 数论之:5次求和公式简单证明。 lemma sum_fifths (n : ℕ) : ∑ i in range n, (i : ℚ)^5 = (4 * (n * (n-1)/2)^3-(...
For reasons of compilation efficiency, we do not record the proof of every single one of these assertions in Lean; we only prove a smaller set of implications in Lean, which then imply the broader set of implications through transitivity (for instance, using the fact that if Equation implies...
AIMS mathematics 是美国数学科学研究所(AIMS)出版社和山东师范大学出版的期刊,创办于2016年,被SCI收录...
同伦理论在2002年菲尔兹奖获得者符拉基米尔·弗沃特斯基(Vladimir VoevodskyGitHub账号)关于米尔诺猜想的工作中发挥了重要作用。弗沃特斯基(2017年9月30日因为动脉瘤于普林斯顿去世)近年来致力于使用一价语义构造新数学基础的理论体系UniMath,使用证明辅助工具Coq实现。
cargo install --git https://github.com/leanprover/mdBook mdbook Then use e.g. mdbook watch in the root folder: mdbook watch --open # opens the output in `out/` in your default browser Run mdbook test to test all lean code blocks. How to deploy ./deploy.sh About...