3. Affordances The term 'affordances' was created by Gibson (1979) [26] to describe the features of an environment in relation to the organisms that existed within it. "The affordances of the environment—what it offers, provides or furnishes, either for good or ill" (Gibson, 1979) [26]...
Rather than trying to summarize student performance in a single score, or even a set of subscores, this report provides concrete representations of what a child can complete, what a child is currently learning, and what the child's long-term targets are. FFigiguurree33..TThheemmaatthheemma...
The first school was the site for iterations 1-3, with a total of 55 fifth-grade primary school students participating. The second school was involved in iteration 4, where 25 fifth-grade primary school students participated. Both schools had parental consent for the students involved. According...
The first was taken at the beginning of the term and the second at the end of the course. It was found that, regardless of the student's gender, their perception of how the subject matter can influence the resolution of problems associated with SDGs increased greatly. More than 70% of ...