The freshman class had one girl student — only one — and, naturally, she was studying engineering. The penalty for such a brazen intrusion into what had always been, and, in the eyes of the male students, always should remain, a male profession, was the most merciless taunting of this...
Outside of class, delivery of course material and assignments through e-learning technologies also enhanced students' learning. Wang (2014) utilized personalized e-learning assessment and material annotations for 6th grade elementary students learning conceptual mathematics knowledge of 'speed'. The persona...
Jiho said that ChatGPT had only proven the argument for natural numbers by using mathematical induction, pointing out the necessity of the argument for negative integers as well. During his examination, he identified a computational error in ChatGPT’s argument when simplifying\({\left(k+1\right...
Although women have made progress in entering scientific careers in biology, they remain underrepresented in mathematically intensive fields such as physics. We investigated whether gender differences in mathematics motivation and socialisers’ perceptions impacted choices for diverse STEM careers of varying m...