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Mathematics_for_Economists_by_Simon__Blume_习题解答_answers1精选.pdf,ANSWERS PAMPHLET 1 Chapter 2 2.1 i) y 3x 2 is increasing everywhere, and has no local maxima or minima. See figure.* ii) y 2x is decreasing everywhere, and has no local maxima or mini
文档格式:PDF | 页数:50 | 浏览次数:106 | 上传日期:2023-11-23 05:32:34 | 文档星级: ANSWERS PAMPHLET 1512 5 y(0) 5 c 1 ; 1 5 ˙ y(0) 5 2c 1 1 3c 2 .c 1 5 2,c 2 5 1, so y 5 e 2t (2cos3t 1 sin3t).b) ¨ y 1 9y 5 0; r 2 1 9 5 0,r 5 63i.y 5...
< Mathematics For Economists - Carl P Simon, Lawrence E Blume - (W W Norton & Co - 1994 - Pp 899)搜索 阅读原文 下载APP
Mathematics_for_Economists_by_Simon__Blume_习题解答_answers1 系统标签: economistsblumemathematicssimon习题gure ANSWERSPAMPHLET1 Chapter2 2.1i)y 3x 2isincreasingeverywhere,andhasnolocalmaximaorminima. Seefigure.* ii)y 2xisdecreasingeverywhere,andhasnolocalmaximaorminima. Seefigure. iii)y x 2 1ha...
Mathematics_for_Economists_by_Simon__Blume_习题解答_answers3 热度: Mathematics for Economists 热度: 相关推荐 ANSWERSPAMPHLET51 b)x(s,t) 0 3 2 3 0 1 t 2 2 2 s,x 2y 3z 12. 10.37a)Rewritingthesymmetricequations,y y 0 (b a)x 0 (b a)xand z z 0 (c a)x 0 (c a)x...
Mathematics for Economists by Simon Blume 习题解答 answers1
154 MATHEMATICS FOR ECONOMISTS 4A y e) y ¨ y k1 4B k2 e 1, 2t 1 8 4B sin 2t 4A 1 8 0 =? A B 1 8. cos 2t. 4y sin 2t. The general solution of the homogeneous equation is: k1 cos 2t k2 sin 2t. A particular solution of the nonhomogeneous equation is: yp t(A sin 2t...
Simon and Blume,1994,Mathematics for economists,W. W. Norton。 Sydsaeter,Strom,and Berck,2005,Economists' mathematical manual,Springer。 Mas-Colell,Whinston and Green, 1995, Microeconomic Theory,Oxford University Press。 Varian, 1992, Microeconomic Analysis. Robert Gibbons, 1992, Game The...
【中商原版】经济学家数学 国际学生版 豆瓣高分 英文原版 Mathematics for Economists Carl P Simon Lawrence Blume 豆瓣推荐 分享配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 快递:0元起 服务线下门店 · 收货后结算 选择 货源地;发货地 商品评价 暂无评价