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The results of the mathematics achievement test which were administered after a semester to the same groups to evaluate the long-term effects of the training revealed significant progress for both the 2nd- and 3rd-graders. Furthermore, the scores of Tempo-test-rekenen which also administered after...
Although this is the case for third graders, she noted that first graders, who did not have enough time to learn Turkish, are struggling with understanding mathematics lessons delivered through EBA-TV. These first graders lack access to peer learning or extra-support activities during remote ...
A test for ÷ by 7: Split number in groups of 2 digits from the right, 1st group is x1, 2nd x2, 3rd x4 etc. 2023 becomes 20×2+23×1 = 63 & since 63 =9×7, 2023 is ÷7 too. Note: this is based on 100/7 = 14 R 2 so 2 = multiplier base & 100 is 10^2 giving g...
First-graders' diverse development patterns were explored in a study described in the third manuscript. Results emphasize the importance of precursor competences for acquiring grade-level curricular skills. While students followed mainly fan-spread performance patterns—i.e., initially low-performing ...
In the first phase (1st–2nd grades) and the second phase (3rd–5th grades), the curriculum includes content in algebra that serves as foundational knowledge for learning functions later on. For example, students learn to identify patterns, ratios, and correlations in the first phase and to ...
Each unit includes routines that are tightly connected to the investigations that provide opportunities for meaningful, thoughtful practice. In this clip, 2nd graders engage in a number string from the new 2nd grade measurement unit, Tanisha and Tamika's Toolbox while the teacher models their thinki...
of attitudes towards mathematics, independent of their achievement status, which does not happen in the other cycles of Studies (P < .001 for the differences between the three levels of achievement at the 2nd Cycle, and between good achievers and the other two groups at Secondary school level)...
Spatial skills can predict mathematics performance, with many researchers investigating how and why these skills are related. However, a literature review on spatial ability revealed a multiplicity of spatial taxonomies and analytical frameworks that lack convergence, presenting a confusing terrain for resea...
Partici- pants were sixth graders (middle school): 126 students were assigned to the interven- tion group, and 101 students to the control group. The intervention lasted about three weeks. A pre- and post-test with a control group were administered immediately before and after the intervention...